Braves Dugout: Blogging on the Atlanta Braves
and the world of Major League Baseball

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Braves Finalize Roster

One thing to point out involving the roster. Joey Devine did not make it. The only logic behind this has to be more save opportuinities at Triple A?? That's all I can think of. James Jurries also did not make the team, but I expect a callup real soon. So here's what the pen will look like on opening day:

Reitsma, Villareal, Thomson, Cormier, Boyer, Chuck James and Mike Remlinger.

compared to

Benero, Kolb, Grybowski, Colon, Martin, Reitsma, and Sosa

This year's pen is still not perfect(who's is?) but surely looks brighter than last year's.

Tommorrow is one of baseball's most exciting days and I will preview the upcoming series against the Dodgers.


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