Braves Dugout: Blogging on the Atlanta Braves
and the world of Major League Baseball

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Olney: Betemit & Yankees

This morning I caught Sportscenter during Buster Olney's rumor mill segment. He states that the Braves and Yanks are cooking up something for Wilson Betemit. He thinks that the Yankees will probably end up with Betemit and use him at 1B for the struggling Andy Phillips.

If you caught any headlines around the papers yesterday there was alot of talk of Betemit to the Yanks for Scott Proctor. As far as I'm concerned this is something the Yankees have cooked up. It's hard for me to think Betemit could be had just for a mediocre relief pitcher. Betemit's stock is high and he'll probably end up being traded but c'mon let's get something more in return. As this story goes on I'll post anything new whenever I read/hear about it.


  • "As far as I'm concerned this is something the Yankees have cooked up."

    I could not agree with that statement anymore. The Yankees have talked up Proctor as an "untouchable" in recent days. Wilson Betemit is ten times more valuable a ballplayer than any marginal 29-year old relief pitcher could ever be...if if that reliever happens to be on the mighty Yankees.

    By the way, great job on the rumor mongering of the last couple of days. Very interesting stuff.

    By Blogger XXX, at 9:29 AM  

  • Thanks for the compliment. I particulary enjoy this time of year. July 31st is more like a holiday for baseball fans.

    By Blogger Adam, at 12:46 PM  

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